Overdue Policy


  1. Bar-coded Hazard Library materials, other than DVDs may be borrowed for 3 weeks.  If kept beyond the 3-week period, each item is subject to the following fines :
  • Media Devices (Nook Colors and Playaways) are subject to a fine of $.25 per open library day with a maximum of $6.00.
  • Electronic Resources (Wii games) are subject to a fine of $.25 per open library day with a maximum of $6.00.
  • All other library materials are subject to a fine of $.10 per library day with a maximum of $6.00.


  1. DVDs and Blu-Rays may be borrowed for a 1-week period.  If kept beyond the 1-week period, the fine for DVD’s is .25 per open library day/a maximum of $6.00.  


  1. The library director will determine replacement costs for items that are returned damaged or for items that are lost.


  1. The Hazard Library book drop is always available for return of library materials EXCEPT for the Nook Color.  The Nook Color must be returned to the Hazard Library circulation desk.  All other materials may be returned to any library in the FLLS.


  1. The following steps will be taken to secure the return of overdue library material.
    • Pre-overdue notices are sent two days prior to the due date via email by FLLS to patrons with an email address on file.
    • After 16 days past the due date, overdue notices will be sent out by FLLS according to patron preference (email, telephony, text, or print).
    • After 30 days past the due date, a second overdue notice will be sent by FLLS also according to patron preference (email, telephony, text or print)..
    • After 60 days past the due date, Hazard Library will mail the patron a LIBRARY BILLING NOTICE (notice produced by FLLS, which states “Library records show that the following charges have not been paid.  Please resolve these charges at the circulation desk as soon as possible.  If you have already contacted the Library concerning these outstanding charges, please disregard this notice. Thank you.”)  This notice is only sent in printed form.
    • If the material is still not returned in 90 days, the library director will again contact the patron to ask for the return of the material(s) or payment for the cost of replacement of the item(s).  Contact may be by phone, email or letter.
    • If the item(s) are still not returned or paid for, the patron may be referred to the appropriate law agency for collection.  Non-return of library materials is in violation of the provisions of Section 265 of the Education Law of the State of New York.
    • After the library director expends a reasonable amount of time and energy (up to a year) to recover the overdue item(s), the item(s) will be discarded and the matter will be reported to the Board.
    • If the patron is in the library to borrow other materials, the desk librarian will be advised by a Polaris prompt of any “long overdue/lost” materials as well as fines.  The patron will be informed.
    • Fines and/or replacement cost will remain on the patron’s record until resolved.

NOTE:  If a patron claims that an item has been returned, every effort shall be made by the Library and the patron to locate the material in question.  If the item is located and returned by the patron the appropriate fine will be assessed.  The fine will be waived if located in the library.

  1. If a patron has a fine amount in excess of $10.00 and /or 4 overdue/lost materials, patron will not be permitted to borrow additional materials until his/her account is resolved.  Any patron complaints should be directed to the library director who may grant an exception on a case-to-case basis.
  1. Overdue Interlibrary loan materials will be charged the Hazard Library‘s overdue fines.  Penalties for lost or damaged interlibrary loan materials will be determined by the owning library


World Cat items (ILL outside the FLLS area) that are overdue are charged $1.00 per calendar day regardless of Hazard Library’s Overdue Library Policy.  The overdue fee is collected from the patron. The library is responsible for paying the bill when written notice is received from FLLS.