Please review our policy for closings due to weather. If you have any questions or want to ensure the library is open, please contact us!
In the case of winter weather on a Monday, Tuesday or Thursday:
- If SCCS opening is delayed by 1 hour: There will be no Story Hour on Tuesday morning and the Library will open at 9 AM.
- If SCCS opening is delayed by 2 hours or is closed: There will be no Story Hour on Tuesday morning and the Library will open in the afternoon as planned at the discretion of the Library Director and/or the Library Assistant.
- If SCCS dismisses early or there are no afterschool activities: The Library will close at 5 PM.
In the case of winter weather on a Saturday or SCCS vacations: A change in open hours will be determined by the Library Director and/ or the Library Assistant.
Information related to closings will be posted on the Hazard Library Facebook Page and on TV channels 3, 5 and 9.
Patrons are advised to call the library at 315-364-7975 when openings/closings are in question.
We need your help! Hazard Library is expanding and we are working on a new location adjacent to Opendore in Sherwood. This “Open at Opendore” goal has many phases and financial responsibilities that we are working to accomplish.
Please check out more information on this goal and consider providing a donation through the button below or by sending a check to “Hazard Library Association” (PO Box 3, Poplar Ridge, NY 13139).
Our Library Board meets once a month on the second Monday of the month at 6:30PM at Opendore (2978 State Route 34B).
All meetings are open to the public.
Last Meeting: November 11, 2024
Next Meeting: December 9, 2024
The minutes of our prior meetings can be found here.
Hazard Library’s Mission = YOU
Learn more about our services and upcoming events!
We are still accepting donations of books for our yearly book sale. The bins are located at the end of the old Emily Howland Elementary School building in Sherwood. Hurry! The bins will hibernate from January to March due to the winter season.
Southern Cayuga Book Club
Meets the 1st Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM. We will be meeting at Aurora Free Library from January through May this year and at Opendore from June through December.
Please e-mail us at for information on how to join us. All are invited and new members are always welcome.
We will meet on December 4th to discuss our reading list for 2025. All are welcome to join us for some holiday cheer as we plan for the new year. The new list will be posted when it is finalized.
Reading Selections 2024
Preschool Story Hour
Story Hour meets each Tuesday at 9:30 AM when SCCS is in session. All children who have not yet entered kindergarten and their caregivers are invited to join us.
Our first day of Story Hour for the 2024-2025 school year is on Tuesday, September 10.
Please call 315-364-7975 for more information and to let us know you are coming.
- Do you need health insurance?
- Do you need help using the NY State of Health Marketplace?
- Do you have questions about your health insurance?